Saturday, August 21, 2010

More Feeding Gear

A discovery I just had to share with you - SugarBooger's feeding gear! I saw their products at Isis earlier today and went crazy for it. I got the bib, sippy cup and placemat in the Robot design. Love it! Went online and saw they had even more just as adorable prints. So I loaded up on their bibs on sale. I know the online pictures probably don't do the real products any justice, but here is a glimpse of their playful designs:

Love the Robot theme, the orange highlights will go well with our new high chair.

Short side note. SugarBooger's dish sets are made out of melamine. I recall a few years ago that melamine in pet foods led to the death of hunderds of pets nationwide. So I did a quick research and gathered that melamine is "safe" as long as it isn't heated - heating causes it to release toxins that are harmful to ingest. I guess that explains why my mom stopped purchasing dishware made out of melamine decades ago. I guess my point in mentioning this is to stick with buying just the bibs from SugarBooger, just to be safe. I know I'll be returning the sippy cup, cute as it, can't have my son eating off of potentially harmful plates.

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